Sebastian Vidal

Sebastian Vidal

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Sebastian Vidal Valenzuela, Ph.D. in Art History, University of Texas at Austin, M.A and B.A in Art History and Theory, University of Chile. He is the author of the book En el principio, Arte, archivos y tecnologías durante la dictadura en Chile (Metales Pesados publishing house) and several academic articles and catalogue essays about conceptual art, video art, and art documentation. As Art curator he has worked in exhibitions in institutions such as National Museum of Fine Arts, Chile; Contemporary Art Museum, Chile;  Ars Electronica Festival, Linz, Austria, among others. He currently works as Assistant Professor of Chilean Art and Art Curatorship at Alberto Hurtado University, and as Adjunct Professor at the School of Art at Pontifical Catholic University of Chile. Besides he works in his Fondecyt Research Project: Festivales Franco-Chilenos/Latinoamericanos de video arte: Resistencia cultural y experimentación audiovisual durante la dictadura y transición (1981-1996) and also as the curator of the exhibition: Festival Franco Chileno de Video Arte: 40 años which will take place at the National Center for Contemporary Art, Cerrillos in May 2022.

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