Dr Talita Trizoli is currently a Post-PhD student of Sociology of Art at University of São Paulo, under the supervision of Prof. Ana Paula Cavalcanti Simioni. She obtained a PhD with Prof. Celso Favaretto as advisor. Her research included an investigation of the output of female Brazilian artists during the 1960s and 70s in a feminist revisionism of the discourse in Brazilian Art History, with a special consideration for subjects who are “excluded” from the official narratives. She has a Master degree (2011) in Aesthetics and Art History from the Museum of Contemporary Art in the São Paulo University, with Prof. Cristina Freire as advisor, where she developed a feminist investigation of the work of Regina Vater, a Brazilian artist with considerable importance in the vanguard scenario. She has developed feminist investigations in art system since 2005. She previously worked as Assistant Professor in Federal University of Goiás and at Federal University of Uberlândia. Currently, she is Assistant Professor at University of São Paulo, in the Institute of Brazilian Studies (IEB-USP)
Link for a complete online CV: http://lattes.cnpq.br/8564039932158601
Email: ttrizoli@gmail.com