Artelogie: Violencia(s), frontera(s) y sentimiento(s): formas, sentidos y significados de la violencia en nuestra América (22/2024) – Introduction

7 January 2025 - no responses

We are presenting texts published in “Artelogie” – Numéro double spécial 22 (2024): Violencia(s), frontera(s) y sentimiento(s): formas, sentidos y significados de la violencia en nuestra América. You can access all the issue here

Authors: Agata Jakubowska, Andrea Giunta

From the Introduction:

This volume presents seven articles prepared in the context of debates held during the Narrating Art and Feminism(s). Eastern Europe and Latin America seminar coordinated by Agata Jakubowska and Andrea Giunta, from the Universities of Warsaw and Buenos Aires, respectively. This program ran for two years and involved a group of researchers from Eastern Europe and Latin America. The seminar developed the framework of the projects supported by the Getty Foundation through its Connecting Art Histories initiative.

In the monthly meetings that we held via Zoom, with regular participants and guests, questions and topics linked to the reactions of female artists to specific

contexts persistently emerged. Our questions covered a very broad spectrum of issues, including those related to beauty standards, domestic or professional work, caregiving, race or class. The articles in this volume introduce many of the issues we debated from the point of view of specific study cases.


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