
Rosana Paulino. Amefricana: Exhibition at the Museum of Latin American Art of Buenos Aires (MALBA)

9 January 2024

Author: Andrea Giunta On March 21, 2024 opens Rosana Paulino’s exhibition at MALBA, Museum of Latin American Art in Buenos Aires. This is her first comprehensive exhibition of her work outside of Brazil, which I am co-curating with Igor Simoes. Active since the 90s, Rosana Paulino – who has...

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Polish Women Artists at the Sao Paulo Biennale

26 October 2023

Author: Wiktoria Szczupacka   At the time of this blog post is being written, the XXXV edition of the Sao Paulo Biennale is currently taking place. Unfortunately, I cannot spot a single Polish name on the list of artists. This is a pity, because for years this event has...

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“The Great Circus of Patriarchy” or too stubborn to quit making feminist projects, when feminism went out of fashion

3 July 2023

Author: Dra. Talita Trizoli – IEB-USP (FAPESP Grant) Between 2015, the year of the so-called Brazilian “feminist spring”, and the current 2023, a series of changes occurred in the Brazilian artistic system with regard to feminist guidelines. From the youthful enthusiasm of a generation of young artists that discovered...

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Narrative-women: the intersection between visual arts and literature in contemporary artistic practices from Brazil

19 June 2023

Author: Prof. Dr. Michelle Farias Sommer   This blog post focuses on part of my post-doctoral research ongoing at the Post-graduate Program in Literature at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro under the supervision of Prof. Dr. João Camillo Penna. This research adheres to the efforts for the affirmation...

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Strategies of women artists: Leonora Carrington and Female friendship

20 January 2023

When faced with the presentation “strategies of women artists” I could not help but think of Leonora Carrington’s friendship with other women artists, how they helped each other through difficult periods and inspired one another creatively and artistically. The idea of female friendship adopted in this text is based...

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Lygia Pape, Professor: Pedagogical Practices as Artistic Practices

20 October 2022

This essay encompasses notes on the teaching of Lygia Pape (1927-2004), which took place at the Museu de Arte Moderna in Rio de Janeiro – MAM-RJ (1969-1971), the Department of Architecture at the Universidade Santa Úrsula (1972-1985), the Escola de Artes Visuais Parque Lage – EAV (1976-1977), and the Escola de...

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The matriarch of Brazilian contemporary art: Anna Maria Maiolino /PSSSIIIUUU…

30 August 2022

Between May 7th and July 24th, a retrospective exhibition of the Italian-Brazilian artist Anna Maria Maiolino (Scalea, IT, 1942) was held at the Tomie Ohtake Institute in São Paulo, Brazil, with the name of “PSSSIIIUUU…”, an ambiguous onomatopoeic word evoking silence, flirting, or a distant call. Planned for over...

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Bale Literal’s lexical: a Laura Lima show

14 June 2022

It is June, 2019: Rio de Janeiro / Brazil. Laura Lima, a Brazilian philosopher, artist and feminist activist presents ‘Bale Literal’ at A Gentil Carioca, one of the most important art galleries in the country. Bale Literal was an unprecedented work that connected the two gallery buildings directly to...

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Wild wisdom: the woman artist and the political discourse of self-portrait in Oriana Duarte

16 May 2022

The following text examines part of the analysis undertaken in my MA Thesis entitled Selvagem sabedoria: a mulher artista e o discurso político do autorretrato em Oriana Duarte [Wild wisdom: the woman artist and the political discourse of self-portrait in Oriana Duarte], published at the Universidade Federal de Pernambuco’s...

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Carolina Maria de Jesus and Clarice Lispector shows at the IMS-SP, Brazil

20 December 2021

On September 25, 2021, the exhibition “Carolina Maria de Jesus. A Brazil for Brazilians” was opened, followed by the exhibition “Constellation Clarice”, on October 23, 2021. Both exhibitions occupied several floors of the Instituto Moreira Salles (IMS) building in São Paulo, Brazil. These two exhibitions included Brazilian female authors...

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