
The Importance of the Theoretical Approach of Lise Vogel

4 January 2024

Author: Vesna Vuković The academic and political path of Lise Vogel (1938 –), a Marxist feminist, feminist sociologist, art historian and activist, is an exceptional example of the meeting of biography and history. Her scientific research was shaped and guided by political events, and activist experiences crucial for her broad...

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Feminism under Socialism? The 1960s Generation of Women Artists and the “Womenʼs Question”

27 November 2023

Author: Marianna Placáková[1] The interpretation of state-socialist womenʼs emancipation as we know it today began to gradually take shape in the post-1989 transition period, which saw political democratization, the transition to a market economy, and the transformation of state and public institutions. Although some women scholars and activists living...

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Interview with Gabriela Golder on her work at the Sharjah Biennial

15 May 2023

By Andrea Giunta   Andrea Giunta: You’re participating in the Sharjah Biennial with several works. A very moving biennial, very touching, since the project started before the pandemic, curated by Okwui Enwezor, but, in the meantime, he passed away. He was an extraordinary curator, who transformed the way we view...

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Pointing Fingers: Russian Artists in Times of War

7 October 2022

These days, I find it very difficult for me to focus on my own research, where I embrace critical feminist approaches. It is exactly the feminist perspective that hinders me from becoming vocal again. I feel like I, as a Russian feminist artist, have a position of privilege and...

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The matriarch of Brazilian contemporary art: Anna Maria Maiolino /PSSSIIIUUU…

30 August 2022

Between May 7th and July 24th, a retrospective exhibition of the Italian-Brazilian artist Anna Maria Maiolino (Scalea, IT, 1942) was held at the Tomie Ohtake Institute in São Paulo, Brazil, with the name of “PSSSIIIUUU…”, an ambiguous onomatopoeic word evoking silence, flirting, or a distant call. Planned for over...

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Review: Ann Snitow, Visitors. An American Feminist in East Central Europe, 2020. Polish translation in 2022

23 August 2022

One of the most interesting books that I have read lately was Ann Snitow’s Visitors. An American Feminist in East Central Europe. Originally published in 2020 in the New Village Press, it appeared in Polish translation (by Agnieszka Grzybek) a few weeks ago. At the beginning of the 1990s,...

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Bale Literal’s lexical: a Laura Lima show

14 June 2022

It is June, 2019: Rio de Janeiro / Brazil. Laura Lima, a Brazilian philosopher, artist and feminist activist presents ‘Bale Literal’ at A Gentil Carioca, one of the most important art galleries in the country. Bale Literal was an unprecedented work that connected the two gallery buildings directly to...

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Restoration of Capitalism: Repatriarchalization of Society (Book review)

24 March 2022

BOOK REVIEW: Lilijana Burcar, Restauracija kapitalizma: repatrijarhalizacija društva, Zagreb: Institute of Ethnology and Folklore Research, Centre for Women’s Studies, 2020   Socialist history and legacy have been explored largely from the hegemonic, Western perspective in the globalized (academic) world, and the authors have been forced to ‘catch up’ with...

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Book review: Elisa Pérez Buchelli “Art and Politics: Women artists and Action Arts in the Sixties and Seventies” (2019)

14 March 2022

In 2019, Elisa Pérez Buchelli published a book that was the result of her MA thesis on Uruguayan women artists entitled Arte y política. Mujeres artistas y artes de acción en los sesenta y setenta (Art and Politics: Women artists and Action Arts in the Sixties and Seventies). Given...

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Book review: Caterina Preda “Art and Politics under Modern Dictatorships: A Comparison of Chile and Romania” (2017)

23 February 2022

An oral book review was presented during the seminar held online on November 22, 2021. The following text is an edited transcript. [Carlos Leppe, Sala de espera / Waiting room (1980). Source: Preda, p. 226] Petra Šarin: Regarding its methodology, Caterina Preda’s book “Art and Politics Under Modern Dictatorships:...

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