Working through trauma and self-writing in Leonora Carrington’s Down Below
We are presenting texts published in “Artelogie” – Numéro double spécial 22 (2024): Violencia(s), frontera(s) y sentimiento(s): formas, sentidos y significados de la violencia en nuestra América. You can access all the issue here. Authors: Ana Carolina Magalhães Salvi Abstract: Leonora Carrington has awakened significant interest in feminist and gender studies...

Wild wisdom: the woman artist and the political discourse of self-portrait in Oriana Duarte
The following text examines part of the analysis undertaken in my MA Thesis entitled Selvagem sabedoria: a mulher artista e o discurso político do autorretrato em Oriana Duarte [Wild wisdom: the woman artist and the political discourse of self-portrait in Oriana Duarte], published at the Universidade Federal de Pernambuco’s...