“You are hearing the heart of the world, the heart of the huéhetl”: the folk songs and books of Concha Michel

8 January 2025 - no responses

We are presenting texts published in “Artelogie” – Numéro double spécial 22 (2024): Violencia(s), frontera(s) y sentimiento(s): formas, sentidos y significados de la violencia en nuestra América. You can access all the issue here.

Author: Cecilia Itzel Noriega Vega


Concha Michel was a singer-songwriter, researcher, and fighter for women’s rights during the post-revolutionary period. Throughout her life, she carried out important research on pre-Hispanic music. Likewise, she wrote plays, folk songs, and texts explaining her feminist position such as “Marxists and Marxists” (1934), Two Fundamental Antagonisms (1938), God Our Lady (1966); and God-Principle is the couple (1974). Her productions were influenced by her participation in the Mexican Communist Party, her trip to the USSR, and the Mexican cultural context of the post-revolution. Through these texts she denounced feminicide and post-revolutionary heteropatriarchal culture. At the same time, she criticized the Mexican Communist Party, because it displaced women’s problems. Finally, Michel’s contributions were decisive for the Mexican cultural context of the first half of the 20th century, because she established bridges between literature, music, and artwork.


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