Artelogie: Violencia(s), frontera(s) y sentimiento(s): formas, sentidos y significados de la violencia en nuestra América (22/2024) – Introduction
We are presenting texts published in “Artelogie” – Numéro double spécial 22 (2024): Violencia(s), frontera(s) y sentimiento(s): formas, sentidos y significados de la violencia en nuestra América. You can access all the issue here Authors: Agata Jakubowska, Andrea Giunta From the Introduction: This volume presents seven articles prepared in...

From Rio de la Plata to the Extreme West: Feminist Historiographies of Art and Artistic Activism in Argentina and Chile
We are coninuing to present texts published in FEMINIST ART HISTORIOGRAPHIES IN EASTERN EUROPE AND LATIN AMERICA issue of “Ikonotheka” 33 (2024). Authors: Andrea Giunta Abstract: The purpose of this article is to employ a comparative approach that allows us to understand the approaches towards art historiography articulated in two...

The Feminist Agenda and the Brazilian Art System between the 1960s and the 1970s
We are continuing to present texts published in FEMINIST ART HISTORIOGRAPHIES IN EASTERN EUROPE AND LATIN AMERICA issue of “Ikonotheka” 33 (2024). Authors: Talita Trizoli Abstract: The reception of second-wave feminist guidelines in the Brazilian artistic system has been a recurring theme of inquiry in feminist historiography because of...

Latin American Women Artists: Subsidiary Human Beings? The Latin American Women Artists, 1915–1995 case
We are continuing to present texts published in FEMINIST ART HISTORIOGRAPHIES IN EASTERN EUROPE AND LATIN AMERICA issue of “Ikonotheka” 33 (2024). Authors: Georgina G. Gluzman Abstract: In 1995, the exhibition “Latin American Women Artists, 1915–1995” opened at the Milwaukee Art Museum. This exhibition marked the first-ever survey of...

Feminist Museology Applied to the Leipzig Museum of Arts (The MdbK)
We are continuing to present texts published in FEMINIST ART HISTORIOGRAPHIES IN EASTERN EUROPE AND LATIN AMERICA issue of “Ikonotheka” 33 (2024). Authors: Marina Vinnik Abstract: In this article, I explore how museums navigate the contradictions between contemporary discourses and the presence of colonial European art. Museums as sites...

“Ikonotheka” 33 (2024) – Introduction
We are beginning to present texts published in FEMINIST ART HISTORIOGRAPHIES IN EASTERN EUROPE AND LATIN AMERICA issue of “Ikonotheka” 33 (2024). You can access all the issue here Authors: Agata Jakubowska, Andrea Giunta From the Introduction: Previous years saw an increased number of projects that offered a comparison...

Rosana Paulino. Amefricana: Exhibition at the Museum of Latin American Art of Buenos Aires (MALBA)
Author: Andrea Giunta On March 21, 2024 opens Rosana Paulino’s exhibition at MALBA, Museum of Latin American Art in Buenos Aires. This is her first comprehensive exhibition of her work outside of Brazil, which I am co-curating with Igor Simoes. Active since the 90s, Rosana Paulino – who has...

Aging and Images of Youth: Yente’s Collages
Author: Ayelen Pagnanelli Yente was born Eugenia Crenovich in 1905 in Buenos Aires, Argentina from a well-off Jewish Ukrainian immigrant family. Yente was her nickname, which she used as her artistic name throughout her life. Primarily known for her investigations into geometric abstraction in Buenos Aires, in the 1960s,...

Common Ground: What Connects CEE and LA Art. Previous Narratives and Possible New Approaches (from a Feminist Perspective)
Author: Wiktoria Szczupacka This blog post departs from the initial concept of the Narrating Art and Feminism seminar, which is based on bringing together two regions, Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) and Latin America (LA). Such a connection, deriving from the protest against the hegemony of Western art history...